Course Title: Qaida for Quran
Course Code: QQ-01
Prerequisite: None
Course Description: This program is designed to learn the essentials for reading the holy Quran. Having studied this course learner will be able to follow basic rules and regulations of reciting Quran.

Course Title: Quran Reading
Course Code: QR-02
Prerequisite: QQ-01
Course Description: This course is for those students who have completed Qaida for Quran reading. Teacher will help the student to improve overall flow of Quran recitation.

Course Title: Tajweed-ul-Quran
Course Code: QT-03
Prerequisite: QQ-01
Course Description: This course is designed for those students who can read Quran but unable to follow basic rules and regulation of reciting. Tajweed is a set of rules that dictate how the Quran must be read.

Course Title: Hifz-ul-Quran
Course Code: QH-04
Prerequisite: QR-02
Course Description: This program is introduced for those students who wish to memorize the Holy Quran but don’t have means and time to travel due to their busy schedules and routine.

Course Title: Tafseer-ul-Quran
Course Code: QT-05
Prerequisite: QR-02
Course Description: Holy Quran is a revealed book of Allah for the guidance of mankind and we need to know the message and guidelines given by Allah. This course is ideal for understanding Quran.

Course Title: Lughat-ul-Quran
Course Code: QL-06
Prerequisite: QR-02
Course Description: This course enables the student to read Quran by understanding the meaning of Quranic text which is in Arabic.

Course Title: Islamic Studies
Course Code: IS-07
Prerequisite: None
Course Description: This program is for those students who can’t approach any Islamic School for their religious upliftment. This course is comprised of fundamental teachings of Islam.